Details of a day may fade with time, but you'll always remember the way you felt.
It is my goal for you to instantly experience that moment all over again the second you open that photo album or see an image come up in your Facebook memories. Photos are a link back to help you reconnect some of the details with those treasured moments.

I am a Boisean born and raised, and am thrilled to continue to call it my home. With my wife, two dogs, and bearded dragon, there is never a dull moment!
I am an avid traveler and dog enthusiast. If I could have two selfish wishes, it would be to have unlimited plane tickets and unlimited dogs so that my wife and I can live the ultimate Traveling Millennial Dog Mom life. Oh, and unlimited camera equipment would be nice too. (I guess you could say my ideal world doesn't have limits!)
Individual portraits, engagement sessions, pet lifestyle photos, family sessions... as long as it involves YOU & YOUR LIFE, I am excited to get started!